Saturday, November 17, 2012

Blog resurrected.

After a few months of absence I decided to resurrect this blog again. I had my wife and a few friends ask me why I quit posting my foods and progress of my meals so after a delicious breakfast this morning I thought I would like to share how delicious it was and decided to turn the blog back on.

I will keep the formatting similar for all future posts, but I will not note the calorie and other nutritional values of my meals anymore because I have stopped tracking them on MyFitnessPal a while back. My weight loss is natural now without having to learn what is good and what is bad for me anymore, so I don't count calories anymore but instead focus on the right food choices and only eat until I am full.

Handful - Raw Organic Spinach
1 - Medium Tomato
2 tbsp - Salsa
1/2 - Banana
1/2 - Delicious Red Apple
1/2 - Green Pear
30g - Pecans (Raw)
30g - Walnuts (Raw)
20g - Sunflower Seed (Hulled, Raw)
2 tbsp - Pure Organic Maple Sirup

Spices: Cayenne Pepper

Wash the spinach, then layer it in the bowl with Cayenne Pepper. Put the tomato and salsa on top. Cut all the fruits and then sprinkle the nuts and seeds on top, drip the sirup over it.

Very very delicious breakfast, I enjoyed it a lot. It was a welcome break from my usual Primal meal (meat and veggies). This breakfast was quite high in carbs, but I see them as good carbs because they came from fruits and veggies :)